Abbate Guido #101 (1969)

Builder: Abbate Guido

Year of build: 1969

Built by Scrivanti Massimo for Auricchio Vincenzo

1st Pilot: Lupi Gianfranco

Period: 1971

Race number: #35

Engine: Lancia Flaminia 2500 cc.

Class: Lancia Flaminia

He only participated at the 31° Raid Pavia-Venezia - 06.06.1971, winning the category and Trophy Vincenzo Balsamo, this year dedicated to class Lancia Flaminia.
Lupi Franco also ran in august in Cremona in the race for the Class Lancia Falminia with in grabs the Trophy O.M.C.M.

2nd Pilot: Bellini Luciano

Period: 1972>1973

Race number: #101

Engine: Lancia Flaminia 2500 cc.

Class: Lancia Flaminia

Here at 3a Giornata Motonautica "Lago di Viverone" - 28.05.1972
Archive Bellini

Last updated on 06/11/2017   


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