Generic album

Generic album

Archive Casanova - Hauling - Milano-Idroscalo 1968

Generic album

Casanova Archive - Peschiera del Garda

Generic album

Casanova Archive - Sesto Calende R4 Class

Generic album

Casanova Archive - LV Class - Sacca di Colorno 1968

Generic album

Casanova Archive - Jesolo Resort 'Cortellazzo Mouth of the River Piave River- 1965

Generic album

KD 900 kg
20 years of italian powerboating, 1950-1970

Generic album

Vintage video of Guidotti family.

Generic album

Frecce suul'acqua - Cine Cronache of the Vintage Motorboat 1950 in Italy

Generic album

Documentary about some Races on Garda Lake in 1950

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Ezio Selva from 1949 until the tragic end in 1957

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Campione d'Italia 1992
Trophy reserved for 1500 and 2000 racer classes which consisted of a half-hour plus one Lap Race on a triangular Circuit of 3000 meters

Generic album

Festa sul Ticino - Racer Exibition - Pavia, 19.09.1993

Generic album

Geneva Meeting - 1969
Performance Class LZ and KD 900 KG

With Class LZ: Aliani Ercole, Dotti Aurelio and Giuseppe, Brunelli Roberto and Libanori Fortunato
With Calss KD 900 KG: Marchisio Ermanno, Crivelli Gianluigi and Battaglini Agostino

Generic album

Trofeo Scrivanti Cremona (1990)

Generic album

Milano-Idroscalo. Maderna wins the FIM Award

source "Orizzonte cinematografico" OC067 09/1957

Generic album

Aix les Bains, 2010 - Historic race boat meeting.

Generic album

Inboard Exhibition - Festa del Ticino - Pavia 1984

Pecci Archive

Generic album

Invitation Race for R2000N Class - Memorial Casanova Leopoldo - Sacca di Colorno, 21.05.1989
Commentary by Casanova Giuseppe

Agazzi Claudio Archive

Generic album

50 km endurance race
Winner: Giovanni Cima
Archive Cima