Racing season 1932
In July 1932 Kaye Don, on Loch Lomond in Scotland, sets a new world speed record with 192.68 km/h.
It should be remembered that before this successful attempt, the English pilot had returned to the waters of Gardone convinced that he would obtain the record, as the previous year, but after several failed attempts the decision was to try again, but in British waters. Having achieved the goal of the world record, the joy for Kaye Don was short-lived because in September of the same year, Gar Wood once again took possession of the record reaching the high average of 201.012 km/h. On 17 September 1932, still in Venice, Ruspoli, with the Niniette II, (Bugatti-Celli) improved his own record bringing it to 105.69 km/h.
Racing season 1933